Jornada 1

Team Video Date Periods Result
Look C.N. MANRESA B Excavacions MirallesC.N. MANRESA B Excavacions Miralles U.E. D'HORTA FEMU.E. D'HORTA FEM Sun, 02/27/2022 10:00 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m 26 Sun, 02/27/2022 10:00 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m
Look U.E. D'HORTA FEMU.E. D'HORTA FEM C.N. TERRASSA BC.N. TERRASSA B Sun, 02/27/2022 10:45 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m 60 Sun, 02/27/2022 10:45 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m
Look C.N. MANRESA B Excavacions MirallesC.N. MANRESA B Excavacions Miralles C.N. TERRASSA BC.N. TERRASSA B Sun, 02/27/2022 11:30 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m 52 Sun, 02/27/2022 11:30 GMT+1 162 - Manresa, CN - 25m
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